Vein Removal


Vein Removal in St. Albert, Alberta

At A² MediSpa in St. Albert, we use the Elite+ laser system for facial & body vein removal. Elite+ uses two wavelengths 755nm Alexandrite and l064nm Nd: YAG to treat blue, red, and purple veins. Nd: YAG uses selective light that specifically targets the blood inside your veins. Once the light is absorbed by the blood in the vein, it is heated to the point that shrinks and eventually fades. By coagulating the blood vessels, they retreat from the surface of your skin. This results in clear, smooth skin, with no signs of broken blood vessels or rosacea. The Elite+ laser system can be used on all skin types and is an effective treatment for nearly everyone.


The causes of visible veins

Veins often become visible when blood is prevented from flowing in a normal way. Your heart pumps blood filled with oxygen and nutrients through your arteries to your entire body. Veins carry the blood to different parts of your body back to your heart. Normally, the vein shave valves that act as one-way flaps. If these valves do not close correctly, blood can leak back into the lower part of the vein, instead of flowing toward the heart. As more blood collects in the vein, the pressure builds and the walls of the vein are weakened. This causes veins to grow larger and become visible.

What to expect from treatments

During the procedure, the gel will be applied to your treatment areas. This gel acts as a safety barrier between the laser and your skin. You may also be asked to wear protective goggles for additional safety. We will then use a handpiece to move the Elite+ laser up and down the targeted areas until they are completely covered. Patients often describe treatments as being similar to the feeling of a rubber band snapping against their skin. The Elite+ laser system has a built-in cooling system to prevent any overheating or damage to your skin. On average, treatments last 5-30 minutes, though this will vary, depending on the size of your treatment areas.

What to expect from the results

After one appointment, you should notice improvements to your face. Many of our patients only require a couple of treatments to achieve their desired results. It is also possible that some of the veins will disappear after one treatment, while others may turn slightly grey or purple. This change in color usually fades 10-14 days after treatment. During your consultation, we will determine the number of treatments you will need. On average, 3-5 treatments at 8-week intervals are needed to achieve the desired aesthetic result.

Spider veins are generally progressive, and the Elite+ laser cannot cure vein diseases. But treatments may help to spontaneously stabilize your condition. If you come in during the early stages of vein disease, Elite+ may prevent its progress and cause a regression of the underlying disease process.

Request a consultation at A² MediSpa

If you are frustrated with visible veins and you’d like to reduce or remove them, request a consultation at A² MediSpa where Aleesha Ayoob will assess your skin and create a custom treatment plan for you. To get started, fill out the consultation request form on our site or give us a call at (780)-722-1061