Lesion Removal

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Skin Lesion Removal in St. Albert, Alberta

For skin lesion removal, the team at A² MediSpa uses the Elite+ laser system. Elite+ allows for quick, non-invasive treatment of vascular and pigmented lesions without damaging the surrounding skin. During Elite+ treatments, light from the laser is absorbed by the blood vessels and or pigmentation, causing the melanin to rapidly heat up and break down. Over time, the vessel and or brown spot disappears, restoring your skin to its natural appearance. As a result, you will be left with a more even skin pigmentation and a healthy-looking complexion. With multiple energy wavelengths 755nm Alexandrite and l064nm Nd: YAG, Elite+ treats vascular and pigmented lesions more effectively than conventional, single-wavelength treatments.


Treatable Lesions

Elite+ is perfect for treating

  • Hemangiomas

  • Port-wine stains

  • Cherry angiomas

  • Rosacea

  • Age spots

  • Freckles

  • Hyperpigmentation

  • Active acne spots.


  • The most common cause of skin lesions is infections on or in the skin. For example, the wart virus is passed from one person to another through direct skin-to-skin contact. Some skin lesions are hereditary, in the case of freckles and moles. Birthmarks are lesions that exist from the time you are born. Other skin lesions can be the result of an allergic reaction, as is the case with contact dermatitis and allergic eczema. Brown spots and age spots are often caused by overexposure to the sun over a long period of time.

    Hyperpigmentation (also known as brown or age spots) occurs when your body produces extra melanin, which may happen in response to sun damage or hormonal shifts. Additionally, if pigmentation runs in your family, you are more susceptible to it. Although age spots are harmless, if you have them on your face, hands, arms, or décolleté, you may feel self-conscious. This can often limit what you wear and the activities that you do. Fortunately, the Elite+ laser system effectively treats pigmentation. Whether caused by sun exposure, hormonal changes, or as a result of inflammation within your body, the Elite+ laser can remove these dark patches of skin in just a few treatment sessions.

  • During treatment, we will apply a gel to your skin lesions, which will help to protect your skin from the heat of the laser. If we are removing lesions from your face, we may give you safety goggles for extra protection. The Elite+ laser system comes with a handpiece that we will use to make several passes over your lesions. Patients often describe the feeling of the laser as being similar to a rubbing band snapping against the skin. But with the Elite+ laser system’s built-in cooling system, your skin will not be overheated or damaged. Treatments usually last anywhere from 10-30 minutes and vary based on the size of the treatment area.

  • Most patients notice improvements after one treatment, but you may need multiple sessions to achieve your desired results. On average, 3-5 treatments, 4-6 week intervals, are needed to achieve the desired aesthetic result. For pigmented lesions, damaged lesions are eventually cleared by the body; they undergo a mild peeling process and slough off, removing the appearance of the lesion from the skin.

Request a consultation at A² MediSpa

If you're frustrated with lesions and you’d like to remove them, request a consultation at A² MediSpa where Aleesha Ayoob will assess your skin and create a custom treatment plan for you. To get started, fill out the consultation request form on our site or give us a call at (780)-722-1061